How to Prevent Flu in 3 Easy Ways

How to Prevent Flu in 3 Easy Ways

Due to climate change, the Philippines and other parts of the world go through unpredictable weather in the past years. You can experience more rain during summer while extreme heat can sometimes be felt during the rainy season. In addition, one of the effects of global warming is that germs populate faster and cause widespread diseases across the country. Here are three easy ways to keep the body healthy amid sudden and drastic fluctuations of the weather.

1. Keep Your Hands Clean At All Times

Common viruses easily spread from human hands. So, it is best to practice proper handwashing to prevent the spread of viruses. If you find yourself without clean water and soap, a 70% isopropyl or ethyl alcohol is a great alternative. This can help you clean your hands at any given time. Hand sanitizers are also an alternative. While handwashing seems to be a simple task, it is effective in keeping illnesses at bay.

2. Workout And Get Fresh Air

Maintaining a healthy immune system is key to keeping the flu off. Researchers disclosed that exercise helps white blood cells, the natural protection against infections, circulate in the body faster and become more effective. Getting a fair amount of fresh air can also give you a break from germ-carrying diseases. Staying indoors comes with a higher risk of getting the flu virus from people already infected with it. A stroll outside is a cardio exercise that can also help reduce stress and improve sleep quality. However, make sure to protect yourself in polluted areas by wearing a mask. It serves as your shield against dust and other airborne viruses.

3. Eat Healthy Often And Take Supplements

To fuel your immune system, you should always have a balanced diet. It should include a wide array of vegetables and fruits. These foods are great sources of energy. They also are excellent sources of vitamins and minerals needed by the body. Taking supplements regularly also ensures you have the recommended intake of essential vitamins necessary to maintain a healthy body. Vitamins A, C, E, Zinc, and other minerals are most recommended by physicians to boost immunity against illnesses.

You can fight flu no matter how much frequent the weather changes. It is as easy as following these three simple steps. Get all your essential supplements and other health products by visiting the nearest Watsons store or shop online here.


-Medical Observer



How climate change impacts health in the Philippines. Accessed at

Exercise and the Flu. Accessed at

4 Secrets to Never Getting Sick. Accessed at,,20532772,00.html?slide=106701

  • Green Cross

    70% Alcohol with Moisturizer 500mL



  • Watsons

    Face Mask Adults 10s



  • Champion Biotech

    N95 Dura Mask x20



  • Doctor J

    Alcohol 70 500ml



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