Misophonia occurs when certain sounds bother you the most than other people and trigger an emotional reaction. It is a dislike or hates to some specific sounds.

One thing that could interfere with our abilities to live life normally is our emotions. Because it is a newly founded health disorder, it is hard to diagnose until today. Although not all sounds create problems, the word misophonia means “hatred for sound”.


People make sounds when they have extreme emotions, such as anger or aggression. That is one of its characteristics.This condition may depend on the response of the person to it. Misophonia can occur in both men and women at any age, but some symptoms may show in late childhood or early teenage years.

One specific sound may trigger misophonia for the first time in some people, while additional sounds can bring about reactions later. People with misophonia may have excessive reactions to sounds, and they may lose their control because of too much sound intensity.

Studies have identified the following responses as symptomatic of misophonia:

  • Irritation turning to anger
  • Disgust turning to anger
  • Becoming verbally aggressive to the person making the noise
  • Getting physically aggressive with objects, because of the noise
  • Physically lashing out at the person making the noise
  • Taking evasive action around people making trigger sounds

These are the physical reactions that studies have found in individuals with misophonia, in addition to emotional responses:

  • Pressure throughout the body, especially the chest
  • Muscle tightness
  • Increases in blood pressure
  • More rapid heartbeat
  • Increases in body temperature

Persons with misophonia could also be diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD).


This disease is diagnosed as a mental health disorder. Specialists like medical doctors, audiologists, and psychiatrists with experience on misophonia can help treat people with this kind of condition.


Misophonia has no known treatment as for now.

To manage sound sensitivity, here are some ways:

  • Use of headphones and music to avoid provoking noises
  • Wearing earplugs to prevent noise distraction
  • Option for seating on buses and in restaurants that are far from trigger sounds
  • Practice self-care with rest, relaxation, and meditation to reduce stress
  • You can leave the place that triggers noise
  • Go to a doctor or maybe you could go to a specialist
  • Explain to friends what is misophonia with ease but frankly

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