Symptoms like nausea and vomiting occur when managing morning sickness. Morning sickness is the first sign of pregnancy for many women. It is present in about 80% of pregnant females. Similar symptoms may also be experienced by women who use hormonal contraception.

It has a time basis. But its cause is still being studied. A number of remedies could help. Some may say that to ease nausea, ginger may help. It is more likely that a healthy pregnancy can cause morning sickness.


Symptoms can come at any time of day though it is called morning sickness. It also strikes in the middle of the night. Usually, this is is experienced during the trimester of the first pregnancy.

Pregnant women should call their doctor if:

  • Relentless symptoms of nausea and vomiting
  • They pass only less urine
  • The darker color of urine is detected
  • They cannot keep liquids down
  • Dizziness when you stand up
  • Standing up weakens the body
  • Their heart races
  • Vomiting of blood


In diagnosis, one of the hallmark questions is usually straightforward. Various urine and blood tests may be ordered by the doctor if there is a suspected hyperemesis gravidarum. Any underlying conditions that could lead to nausea and vomiting or the confirmation of the number of fetuses may be diagnosed by ultrasound.

A mother can become malnourished with frequent bouts of vomiting.


It is not necessary for the woman to undergo treatment in most cases of morning sickness. Some things may help lessen the symptoms.

Getting plenty of rest is vital, as too much fatigue can make it worse.

Intake of fluids must be on regular and small amounts. It reduces vomiting. Lollipops, water, fruit juice or sucking on ice cubes can help.

High carbohydrate meals are good, or consuming more meals on smaller portions may do.

Avoid having an empty stomach when you are pregnant and experiencing morning sickness.

Nausea triggers should be avoided to reduce frequency and severity. Identifying them is easy.

Acupressure is a form of alternative treatment where pressure is being placed on the specific points of the body to properly regulate the symptoms. Although large scale trials are lacking, it can help improve nausea and vomiting, according to some small studies.

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