Apraxia is an uncommon neurological condition that is believed to be due to damage to some parts of the brain. People who have it find it hard to make certain movements through their muscle function and structure is normal. Dyspraxia is a milder form of apraxia.

In orofacial apraxia, the person cannot move the muscles of the face and the mouth. They cannot wink or even lick their lips.

If apraxia affects the limbs, a person cannot move his legs and arms.

Apraxia of speech can make a person unable to move the mouth and tongue to speak.


There are two forms of apraxia of speech:

Acquired apraxia

This can occur in any person and enables the individual to lose the ability to speak, though he or she is able to do that before.

Developmental apraxia

This affects children and affects the ability to form words and create sounds. Children can improve well with the appropriate treatment.


There are many symptoms that are related to apraxia, including:

  • Difficulty saying long or complex words
  • Minimal babbling as a baby
  • Cannot pronounce words
  • Distorting of vowel sounds
  • Omitting consonants at the beginning and completion of words
  • Struggling to make words
  • Difficulties in limb movement
  • Problems or inability to move the mouth and face
  • Weakness or paralysis of the limbs
  • Limited vocabulary
  • Grammatical issues
  • Problems with coordination and movement
  • Difficulties chewing and swallowing
  • Clumsiness


There is no single test or process that is utilized to diagnose apraxia. Diagnosis is done by acquiring a good medical history, doing a physical examination and analyzing the patient’s signs and symptoms.

When diagnosing apraxia, doctors may look for other symptoms. For instance, they may look for deficiencies or difficulties with perception. Imaging tests such as computed tomography scan and magnetic resonance imaging may be done to know the areas of the brain that are affected and the lesions in the brain.


Acquired apraxia may resolve on its own over time. However, developmental apraxia may require treatment.

There are some treatment approaches utilized for apraxia. Their suitability varies from individual to individual. For the best outcomes, apraxia treatment must address a person’s issues. Most young people with apraxia of speech may benefit the services of a language pathologist for some sessions. They may also undergo rehabilitation and exercises.

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