X-linked juvenile retinoschisis is a genetic eye condition that affects males. It is the separation of the retina, the light-sensitive part of the eye, into two layers. Your retina is the tissue in the back of your eye that sends visual signals to your brain. When your retina separates due to retinoschisis, it can affect your vision.

X-linked juvenile retinoschisis is a genetic eye condition that affects males. It is the separation of the retina, the light-sensitive part of the eye, into two layers. Your retina is the tissue in the back of your eye that sends visual signals to your brain. When your retina separates due to retinoschisis, it can affect your vision.


Both acquired and X-linked retinoschisis generally show up in the midst of a standard eye exam. Next, your doctor may do an electroretinogram to test the nerve tissues in your retina. This is done by placing contact lenses with an electrode in your eye. The electrode assesses the electric activity of your retina when it is exposed to light, which gives you an idea of how well it is functioning.

This test is done while you are awake. Children, especially those between the ages of 2 and 5, may require general anesthesia to undergo the test.

Another test for retinoschisis that your doctor may perform is optical coherence tomography. This instrument uses light waves to take cross-sectional images of the eye. This can enable the doctor to view the layers of your retina to check whether the retina is separated.


Retinoschisis generally doesn’t require treatment. Glasses may be needed to improve your vision. Some children with X-linked retinoschisis may have eye bleeding. This can be treated with either laser treatment or cryosurgery. In special cases, children may require surgery for eye bleeding.

If you have either kind of retinoschisis, you should undergo regular eye exams to screen the development of retinoschisis, so you can prevent further complications.

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