Hot flashes are sudden flashes of hotness or warmth, which are commonly experienced over the face, neck, and chest. Your skin may become flushed as if you’re blushing. Hot flashes can cause sweating, and if you lose a lot of body heat, you may need to drink a lot of water.

Though different diseases can cause them, hot flashes may be a result of menopause, when menstrual periods end up erratic and at last stop. Frankly, hot flashes are the most broadly perceived symptom of the menopausal stage.


Hot flashes may manifest itself as:

  • A sudden feeling of warmth spreading through your chest region and face
  • A flushed appearance
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Perspiration, generally on your chest region
  • A coldfeeling as the hot flashes move up

Hot flashes can wax and wane. Symptoms may persist for many years. A lot of women have them for more than 10 years.


Your doctor may diagnose hot flashes based on your signs and symptoms. Your doctor may request blood tests to check whether you’re in the menopausal stage.


The best strategy to ease hot flashes is to take estrogen, but it is not without risks. If estrogen is given to you and you start it within 10 years of your last menstrual period or before age 60, your risks may be lessened. Hot flashes subside well in most women, even without treatment, but it can take a long time for them to stop.

Hormone therapy

Estrogen is the hormone that is used to reduce hot flashes. Women who have had a hysterectomy can use estrogen.


A low-dose form of paroxetine is the nonhormone treatment for hot flashes. Diverse antidepressants that have been used to treat hot flashes include:

  • Venlafaxine
  • Paroxetine
  • Fluoxetine

Other prescription medications

Other medications that may offer assistance for specific women include:

  • Gabapentin, whichis an anti-seizure medication that is used to diminish hot flashes.
  • Clonidine is usually used to treat hypertension but may reduce hot flashes.

Nerve block procedure

A procedure known as a nerve block has been shown to decrease hot flashes, yet more research is required regarding its efficacy.












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