Physical therapy is a healthcare specialty that is involved with the assessment, evaluation and treatment of a person with limitations in functional mobility. Physical therapists are professionals licensed by the country to provide physical therapy.

Physical therapists are commonly called as PT’s. They are trained professionals that have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution and must sit for a licensing exam to be qualified to evaluate and access your condition. PT’s helps you to bring back your maximal functional mobility and independence.

Various treatment methods are used by your PTs to help you feel better and move healthier. Individualized treatment will suit your needs. Undergoing physical therapy can help cut costs of healthcare meds and helps you quickly.

Physical therapists are needed to help you recover from injuries or illnesses that result in pain, limited normal movement/loss of function or physical impairment.

Children, the elderly, and athletes have specialized physical therapy needs.


Some common problems that physical therapists evaluate and treat include:

If you have an illness or injury that limits you to move normally and independently, the physical therapist can help you with your problems. Make sure to talk with your healthcare provider about any discomforts or pain that you feel.

Physical therapy helps you prevent injury or loss of functional mobility through different techniques and strategies that are based on what you need.

Physical therapists work in a variety of different settings. They treat persons who are having difficulties with normal mobility in settings such as:


Prepare for physical therapy if you want to have a better and more positive experience.

First, think about choosing a physical therapist who is specialized in your case. Ask about insurance coverage, a cancellation or no-show policy, and what you should wear to your PT appointment.

Be honest to tell about your expectations and what you want to achieve during therapy. Be sure to have a better relationship with your PT, as the two of you are working towards the same goals during each session.

During a physical therapy session, your PT will assess and evaluate your overall health condition and needs. These things will be assessed during your session:

  • Strength
  • Range of motion
  • Flexibility
  • Balance
  • Joint mobility
  • Neurological function
  • Pain
  • Cardiac function
  • Pulmonary function
  • Overall functional mobility

After the evaluation, your PT will make a specialized treatment plan and will choose techniques based on what you need to quickly recover from your illness.

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