Missed period or amenorrhea, is lack  of menstrual bleeding. It happens when a young lady hasn’t had her first menstrual period by age 16. It also happens when a woman fails to have a menstrual  bleed for more than 3 months.

Amenorrhea can occur for some reasons. The most widely familiar reason is pregnancy. Amenorrhoea may likewise be caused by different life factors, including body weight and lifestyle.

Sometimes, hormonal issues with the reproductive organs may also be the reason.

You should seek immediate help of your gynecologist in case you’re encountering amenorrhea. The fundamental reason for your missed periods may require treatment.

There are  two types of amenorrhea, which are as follows:

  • Primary amenorrhea is the point at which a young woman has come to or passed the age of 16 and still hasn’t had her first period.
  • Secondary amenorrhea is the point at which a woman has quit menstruation for three months. This is the more typical type of amenorrhea.


The primary symptom of amenorrhea is the missed menstrual periods. It depends upon the reason for amenorrhea. You may encounter different signs or symptoms  alongside the absence  of periods.

Here are some of its symptoms:


Amenorrhea can be an indication of hormonal issues. Finding the fundamental reason can require some testing such as:

 Pregnancy test- This will most likely be the primary test your specialist will propose to confirm  if you are pregnant.

Thyroid test– Estimating the levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) in your blood can confirm whether your thyroid is working well.

Ovarian test– Estimating the amount of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in your blood to know whether your ovaries are working appropriately.

Prolactin test– Low levels of the hormone prolactin might be an indication of a pituitary organ tumor.

Male hormone test– In case you’re encountering excessive facial hair and loss of hair volume, your specialist might need to check the levels of male hormones in your blood.

Hormone challenge test For this test, you take a hormonal medicine for seven to 10 days to trigger menstrual bleeding. Results from this test can tell your specialist whether your periods have ceased because of an absence of estrogen.

Ultrasound – This test utilizes sound waves to create images of interior organs.

Computerized tomography (CT) –  It can +show whether your uterus, ovaries and kidneys appear normal.

MRI X-ray – utilizes radio waves with a solid attractive field to deliver especially point by point pictures of delicate tissues inside the body.

Scope tests A kind of  test in which a thin, lit camera is gone through your vagina and cervix to take a look at within your uterus.



Treatment may vary upon the main reason for your amenorrhea. For some cases, preventative pills or other hormonal treatments can restart your menstrual cycles. If the amenorrhea is caused by thyroid or pituitary issue it can be treated with drugs. On the off chance that a tumor or auxiliary blockage is causing the issue, medical procedure must be performed.


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