EYE FLOATERS - WatsonsHealth


Eye floaters are spots in your field of vision. They look like dark or dim spots, strings, or webs in your field of vision that float about when you move your eyes. These dots or strings seem to disappear when you attempt to take a look at them directly.

Most eye floaters are caused by age-related changes that are due to the fluidity of the vitreous substance inside the eyes. The small fibers inside the vitreous tend to bunch together and can cast little shadows on your retina, known as floaters.

If you see a sudden increase in eye floaters, contact an eye specialist instantly, particularly if you likewise observe light flashes or loses your peripheral vision. These can be indications of an emergency that requires immediate consideration.

The types of eye floaters are the following:

  • Fibrous strands, which are the most common and harmless form
  • Cloud-like, which are caused by the natural aging process
  • Weiss rings, which are larger, ring-shaped floaters that form when there is vitreous tissue detachment from the back of the eye
  • Flashes of light, which occur when the vitreous membrane stimulates the retina
  • Dots, which may be due to a tear in the retina

Symptoms of eye floaters may include the following:

  • Small shapes in the vision that show up as dark spots or strings
  • Spots that move when you move your eyes
  • Spots that are most discernible when you look at a plain background
  • Small shapes or strings that inevitably settle down and float out of the line of vision



Your doctor will do a complete eye examination including eye dilation to observe the back of your eyes and the vitreous to know the reason for the floaters.



Any fundamental reason for the floaters, such as diabetes or irritation should be treated. Most eye floaters don’t require treatment. Eye floaters can be disappointing, and living with them is a challenge. When you know that the floaters won’t cause any more issues, you may disregard them or ignore them.

If eye floaters weaken your vision, you and your eye doctor may think about treatment. Choices may include:

  • Surgery to evacuate the vitreous
  • Using a laser to disturb the floaters

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