DOG ALLERGY - WatsonsHealth


Dog allergy is a certain reaction against proteins that are found in dog dander or dead skin, dog saliva, and urine. An allergic response happens when a sensitive individual responds to these dog proteins. Diverse breeds create distinctive dander, so it’s possible to be more adversely affected by a certain breed of dog that the others.

The allergen usually is present in the dog’s fur and gathers in carpets, clothes, walls, and between sofa pads. The pet hair itself isn’t an allergen, however the hair may contain dust and dander.

Dog dander can stay airborne for more time too. It can find its way to you or your lungs.

The manifestations of a dog allergy may run from mild to severe. Signs and symptoms may not show up for a few days after exposure in individuals with low sensitivity.

Symptoms of a dog allergy include the following:

  • Nasal swelling at itching
  • Skin redness after being licked by a dog
  • Coughing and difficulty of breathing or wheezing after exposure to dog fur
  • Rashes on the skin
  • Asthmatic attacks
  • Eczema in children


If you think that you have dog allergies, you should see an allergist for diagnosis and treatment. The doctor may do a skin-prick test to diagnose your condition.



The most effective way of treating dog allergy is to remove the dog from your home. There are approaches to limit your exposure to allergens and diminish your symptoms if you would prefer not to part with your dog.

Some medicines that may be given for your allergies such as the following:

  • Antihistamines such as diphenhydramine
  • Nasal corticosteroids such as fluticasone
  • Cromolyn sodium nasal spray
  • Decongestants
  • Allergy shots or immunotherapy
  • Leukotriene modifiers, such as montelukast

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