HIP FRACTURES - WatsonsHealth


A hip fracture is a break or defect in the upper portion of the thigh bone. The degree of the break relies upon the forces that have caused it.

Hip fractures most normally happens from a fall or from an immediate hit to the side of the hip. Some medical conditions can cause the bone to become brittle such as cancers, osteoporosis, and stress injuries.

There are three kinds of hip fractures, depending on its location.

Intracapsular Fracture

These fractures happen at the level of the neck and the head of the femur, and are inside the capsule. The capsule is the delicate tissue envelope that contains the lubricating liquid of the hip joint itself.

Intertrochanteric Fracture

This fracture is present between the neck of the femur and the lesser trochanter. The lesser trochanter is a connection point for one of the significant muscles of the hip.

Subtrochanteric Fracture

This fracture happens underneath the lesser trochanter, in an area that is between the lesser trochanter and an area roughly 2 1/2 inches beneath .


Symptoms are listed below:

The patient with a hip fracture will have pain over the external upper thigh or in the crotch. There will be discomfort with any effort to flex or rotate the hip.

When the bone has been made weak by disease, the patient may have pain in the crotch or thigh region before the fracture. If the bone is totally broken, the leg may be shorter than the non injured leg. The patient will frequently hold the harmed leg in a still position with the foot and knee turned outward.



When the patient is suspected to have a hip fracture, the doctor will do a physical examination. Imaging tests may be requested such as an x-ray of the hip and the femur.

Other imaging tests are magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography (CT).



Treatment for hip fracture includes a mix of surgical procedures, rehabilitation and medicine.

Options for surgery include internal repair using screws, total hip replacement, partial hip replacement and rehabilitation.

Medications may include bisphosphonates and pain relievers.


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