5 Diet Resolutions for New Year - WatsonsHealth

5 Diet Resolutions for New Year

5 Diet Resolutions for New Year

Every year, we come up with resolutions but don’t follow them strictly. This New Year, follow these realistic and easy diet resolutions that can help you stay healthy!

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1. Eat On Time

Eating on time is very important for your health. If you skip meals, your biological clock will get disturbed and this can lead to hormonal imbalance.

Irregular circadian rhythms have been associated with many chronic health issues, like sleep disorders, obesity, depression and diabetes.

5 Diet Resolutions for New Year

2.Eat More Veggies and Fruits

You should include more vegetables and fruits in your diet to reduce your risk for various health conditions. They offer important nutrients for maintaining overall health.

More fat consumption results in high calorie intake. Be mindful on what you are eating.

Did You Know?
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) says that Filipinos consume about 14.2 kg of pork per capita. This is two kilograms more than the world’s average pork consumption.

5 Diet Resolutions for New Year

3. Say No to Junk Food

Fast foods are always high in fat, calories, salt and sugar. Restrict your consumption of fast-food and encourage this habit among your children.

People with high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease should avoid eating fast food, if possible.

Quick Tip
Choose pizza with less cheese and make sure that toppings are made of vegetables.

5 Diet Resolutions for New Year

4. Healthy Swaps

During parties, special occasions or while simply hanging out with friends, avoid consuming sugary and salty foods. Follow these healthy swaps from now on.

Drink a glass of water instead of sugary drinks; pick unsalted nuts over salted nuts.

Opt for chicken, meat and fish that are baked, grilled, broiled or roasted. Avoid fried or breaded meats.

Did You Know?
Over six million Filipinos have been diagnosed to have diabetes.

5 Diet Resolutions for New Year

5. Make a Commitment

Staying healthy is a process and it takes time. You should make a commitment and form healthy habits. Make it a habit to consume more vegetable and fruits. Restrict your sugar, salt and alcohol intake.
Discuss your resolutions with your loved ones, friends and colleagues. With their support, you can follow them effectively and make 2018 a healthier year!

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