10 Tips to Avoid Holiday Stress This Christmas Season - WatsonsHealth

10 Tips to Avoid Holiday Stress This Christmas Season

All of us are feeling happy during the holidays. Not only do we think of receiving bonuses and 13-month pays that can make us indulge in shopping sprees, this season can offer us enough time to travel to new places, come home for the holidays or visit family and friends. It’s so exciting, isn’t it?

While it is the season for happiness, the holidays can also be a source of major stress. Aside from the long queues that we see at the malls, we also experience flight delays at the airport. Everyone seems to be in a hurry, so it’s also the season for accidents and even robberies. With all these things, it’s not surprising to be anxious.

So, how can you avoid feeling stressed during the holidays? Here are some tips:

1. Take a Break

Amidst all the hustle and bustle of gift wrapping and shopping, take a break and relax. You can just lie down and close your eyes. You can take deep breaths and meditate. Close your eyes and imagine that you are in a peaceful and relaxing place. Think of happy memories and thoughts. You can take quick 5-15 minute breaks. Whether you’re sitting in a restaurant or in your office, it doesn’t matter.

2. Be Optimistic

The Christmas rush can also bring out the worst in most people because of too much stress. If people around you get into your nerves because of their bad habits, stop and relax. Then think about why these people are having that behaviour. What motivates them? If possible, place yourself in their shoes. Realize that these people are just humans and see the bright side of things. Instead of making some nasty remarks, greet them or thank them.

3. Move It

One way by which you can overcome stress during the holidays is by exercising regularly. Exercising or having moderate physical activity can reduce negative feelings such as anger, depression, fatigue and confusion. Instead it can increase happy feelings and satisfaction. Exercise gives you some sort of a high due to the endorphins that your body pumps out during physical activity.

4. Eat Healthy

During the holidays you may be tempted to eat sugary and unhealthy foods. These foods will only make you sleepy, lazy and anxious. Instead, consume healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables. You can also consume lean protein, nuts, legumes, and seeds. These foods will not only boost your energy but will also increase your resistance to illnesses like colds and flu.

5. Don’t Fall For Comfort Foods and Drinks

These comfort foods and drinks include sugary cakes, candies, pasta, pies, and alcoholic drinks. Limit consuming them and instead just take polite sips and bites.

6.Write Your To-Do List

Write down all that you need to do during the holidays. Going out for gift shopping? Make a list of people you plan to give gifts to and the gifts that you want to give them. Going out for grocery shopping? Make a list of the things that you need for the holidays at home before you go to the store. These lists can save you a lot of time and effort, and can reduce your stress during the holidays.

7. Have a Big Heart

Christmas is the season for giving, so you should stay calm and cheerful during the holidays. Share the love between your co-workers, friends and family by being generous. This does not mean that you would spend a great deal of money. You can just offer compliments or give a helping hand. You can offer advice to those people who need them the most.

8. Get Out Of Traditions

Sometimes, traditions during the holidays can also be a source of great stress. Don’t get pressured with what you should do during the holidays. You can break tradition by offering other choices such as staycations or travel instead of home visits.

9. Patch Things Up

If there are people you disagree with and if you plan to see them, it is best to inform them first before you visit them. In that way, you can avoid any arguments that can occur between that person and you. You can choose what to discuss with them or what not.

10. Delete Credit Card Information

Remove your credit card information from your phone or computer. Oftentimes, the holidays will make you shop too much out of anxiety. If you spend too much, this will be a greater cause of anxiety.

Have a stress-free holiday! Merry Christmas!


– Medical Observer

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