Insulin regular (human) is man-made, short-acting insulin that controls high blood sugar caused by type 1 or type 2 diabetes. It is used along with a healthy diet and exercise.

Controls high blood sugar in people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes together with a healthy diet and exercise.

This drug may cause low blood sugar or hypoglycaemia, which can be serious and life threatening. You should learn your own symptoms of hypoglycemia. You should also test your blood sugar levels as often as directed by your doctor to help tell you if your blood sugar is too low.

The most common side effects that occur with insulin regular (human) are caused by low blood sugar which includes:

  • sweating
  • dizziness or lightheadedness
  • shakiness
  • hunger
  • fast heart rate
  • tingling in your hands, feet, lips, or tongue
  • trouble concentrating or confusion
  • blurred vision
  • slurred speech
  • anxiety, irritability, or mood changes

Symptoms at the injection site include:

  • redness
  • swelling
  • itching


Tell your doctor if you have liver, kidney, or heart problems or any other conditions before you start taking insulin regular (human). Let your doctor know about all other drugs that you take, especially ones called TZDs (thiazolidinediones).



Insulin regular (human) can interact with other medications, herbs, or vitamins you might be taking. That’s why your doctor should manage all of your medications carefully. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist to know more about these interactions.

Hypokalemia or low blood potassium may also experience if you inject too much insulin regular (human). This condition usually doesn’t cause symptoms. If symptoms do occur, they can include tiredness, weakness, and constipation. You should tell your doctor if you took too much insulin so that they can check your blood potassium level and treat it if needed.


Available brands:

  • Actrapid HM
  • Humulin 70/30
  • Humulin R (Regular)
  • Mixtard 30 HM
  • Ransulin-R

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