LASIK or laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis is an eye laser refractive surgery, which is the best and most commonly performed surgery to correct one’s vision. This procedure is often used as an alternative to wearing eyeglasses or contact lenses.

Normally, our cornea precisely refracts light into the back of our eyes. However, certain vision problems cause the light to bend inaccurately, which results in blurry vision. Hence, in this procedure, the shape of the dome-shaped tissue at the front of the cornea is changed using a special type of laser in order to repair our vision.


Why is it done?

LASIK surgery may be an option used to correct the following vision problems:

  • Astigmatism. Astigmatism occurs when the cornea flattens or curves unevenly, disrupting the vision’s distance and focus.
  • Farsightedness (hyperopia). Farsightedness is caused when you have a flat cornea.  Because of this, the light ends up focusing behind the retina. Hence, this results in a blurry near vision.
  • Nearsightedness (myopia). This condition causes a blurry distant vision. It is caused by a cornea that curves too sharply, which focuses the light in front of the retina, blurring anything you see in a far distance. Nevertheless, you will still be able to see objects near you fairly. 

Furthermore, LASIK surgery is often considered by those who are already wearing contact lenses or eyeglasses. Nevertheless, if you are considering having this treatment, consult your doctor first. He/she will then discuss with you whether you should undergo this surgery or have another refractive procedure viable for you.



Just like other treatments, this surgery also comes with risks. The most common side effects include temporary visual issues, which disappear after a few months or weeks.

Moreover, complications that result in vision loss are extremely rare. This makes it one of the best and most used refractive procedures that professionals recommend.

Nevertheless, here are some of the risks that come with LASIK surgery:

  • Dry eyes
  • Under corrections
  • Astigmatism
  • Regression
  • Double vision, halos, and glare
  • Over corrections
  • Flap problems
  • Vision loss or changes

When is LASIK surgery not advisable for you?

Your doctor may not recommend a LASIK surgery if you:

  • Have a good overall vision
  • Have a less clear vision, which occurs as a result of aging
  • Have severe myopia
  • Have very thin corneas or very large pupils
  • Engage in contact sports, which make the face prone to impact

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