The buttocks are made up of muscles called the gluteal muscles. There are three different muscles in the gluteal region, namely:

  • Gluteus Maximus. The largest and most superficial tissue. It is responsible for producing the shape of the buttocks. It is the primary muscle responsible for the extended contraction of the thigh. It also assists with lateral rotation. This muscle only works when force is necessary, such as in running or cycling.
  • Gluteus Medius. It is a fan-shaped muscle located between the gluteus maximus and the gluteus minimus. It abducts (move away from the midline) or medially rotates (move near or toward the midline) the lower limbs. It also safeguards the pelvis during locomotion to prevent a pelvic drop on the opposite limb.
  • Gluteus Minimus. It is the deepest and the smallest gluteal muscle with a similar shape and function like the gluteus medius.

When a person suffers from a buttocks pain, a gluteal injury might be the underlying cause. It is when the gluteal muscles have been injured or damaged due to various reasons, which is commonly by trauma.


There are several types of gluteal injury. This includes:

  • Gluteal contusion. This is characterized by a bruise in the gluteal muscles, which is most commonly caused by falls. A large amount of bleeding can occur and cause significant pain and swelling.
  • Gluteal muscle strain. This is characterized by a stretch or partial tear of a muscle or a tendon. This occurs commonly because of overuse injuries, which are typically at the hip joint.
  • It is the most common cause of gluteal injury, which may occur either by a fall or direct blow to the gluteal muscles.
  • Gluteal tendinopathies. This is a common gluteal injury for athletes due to overtraining, especially with weightlifting and squats. It may mimic another condition called hip bursitis wherein the bursa (a closed fluid-filled sac that reduces friction between body tissues) of the hip becomes inflamed. This causes stiffness and pain on the affected bone.
  • Hip inflammation. The inflammations to the gluteal muscles can further result in damages and have difficulty moving the hip. These are common running injuries.


When a person experiences the following list of symptoms on a hip or both, this person may have a kind of gluteal injury.

  • Pain
  • Stiffness
  • Swelling
  • Bleeding
  • Decreased range of motion
  • Difficulty in sitting
  • Difficulty in walking


The doctor will interview the patient about the injury. The doctor may ask about recent accidents or injuries, persistent pains, numbness, and walking and sitting difficulties.

A physical examination will be conducted to pinpoint the exact location of the affected area. The physical exam may include:

  • Inspecting for bruises
  • Exposing tenderness by feeling the buttock
  • Examining the hip for pain and tenderness above the joint line.
  • Examining the range of motion

Imaging tests such as X-rays and CT scans may be performed to reveal fractures in the hip, pelvis, or lumbar spine. An ultrasound may also be necessary if there is a suspected extensive collection of blood in the buttocks.


Depending on the underlying cause of gluteal injury, several treatment methods can be considered.

  • For traumas, ice hip elevation, and rest are helpful. The injuries can heal with time and don’t require further treatment.
  • For a swollen buttock, a rubber doughnut may be used to help with sitting. A stool softener may also be used for those with difficulty sitting.
  • Physical therapy is recommended for those with muscle overuse. This will prevent further injuries and inflammation. This may include massage and rehab exercises.
  • Surgery is not conventional but is required if there are torn muscles that need to be repaired.

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