Five Common Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in the Philippines. It accounts for 16 percent of all cancer diagnosis in the country, and about 30 percent of cancer cases among Filipino women.

Early detection of breast cancer greatly increases the chances for successful treatment. This is why it’s important that you know how your breasts normally look and feel. You should be aware of changes in your breasts and know the symptoms of breast cancer. Here are five common symptoms of breast cancer:

  1.  A lump or thickening in your breast that feels different from the surrounding tissue

2. Change in the size, shape or appearance of your breast

3. Changes to the skin over your breast, such as dimpling, redness or pitting (“orange peel” appearance)

4. A newly inverted nipple

5. Peeling, scaling, crusting or flaking of the pigmented area of skin surrounding the nipple (areola) or breast skin

If you notice any of these symptoms, consult a doctor immediately for prompt diagnosis.


References: Accessed 19 March 2020 Accessed 19 March 2020 Accessed 19 March 2020 Accessed 19 March 2020


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