Choosing the Right Asthma Inhaler

Inhalers are hand-held, portable devices that deliver medication to the lungs of asthma patients. Several types of asthma inhalers are available to help control asthma symptoms. Medical experts recommend finding a balance between the correct medication and the type of inhaler that suits your needs and your ability to use the inhaler correctly.  There are three main types of inhalers.

Metered dose inhalers (MDIs) consist of a pressurized canister containing medication that fits into a boot-shaped plastic mouthpiece. Most MDIs release medication by pushing the canister into the boot.

Dry powder inhalers (DPIs) release medication by breathing in a deep, fast breath. DPIs can either be multiple-dose devices holding up to 200 doses or single-dose devices, which you fill with a capsule before each treatment.

Soft mist inhalers (SMIs) are the newest technology that deliver a pre-measured amount of medicine in a slow-moving mist.

Talk to your doctor to help you choose the right asthma inhaler and to learn how to use your inhaler correctly. Shop at Watsons for asthma inhalers and other essential healthcare products for asthma patients.



    1. Accessed 12 June 2020
    2. Accessed 12 June 2020
    3. Accessed 12 June 2020

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