5 Effective Workout and Diet Tips this Christmas


Many of us can’t really stick to a healthy diet during the Christmas season. But do you know that you can still stay fit this Christmas while enjoying your favorite food and drinks? Here are some tips that will surely help you achieve a healthy mind and body so that you will not feel regret when this season is over!

1. Stick To Your Exercise Routine

To stay fit this Christmas, don’t forget to exercise at least 30 minutes a day. Try brisk walking, swimming, jogging or even playing sports. Find a sport that you like and play it while also burning your excess fats!

2. Work On Your Muscles

Christmas vacation is the right time to work on those muscles! You can do strength and muscle workouts even inside your home. Muscle strengthening exercises can also help burn the excess fat that you have gained from all that booze and fatty food you have consumed the night before.

3. Watch Your Portion Sizes

Do you know that you can still be fit and fab this Christmas season while also eating your favorite food? The trick lies in the portion sizes. You can eat all the foods that you want, but do not overindulge in them.

4. Eat Slowly

To savor and get satisfied with every meal that you eat, chew it slowly to savor its real taste. This will also make you feel full easily, so that you will not overindulge in other foods.

5. Drink Moderately

While you cannot really say no to booze offered by friends this Christmas season, you can keep it in moderation. Try to switch to healthier drinks like smoothies, red wine and fruit juices.


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-Medical Observer




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