10 Tips to Get Ready for the Flu Season


Maybe your kid has cough and fever. Or maybe your throat is so itchy and a stuffy nose is approaching. Whatever your signs and symptoms are, just expect flu in this season.

So, before flu knocks down your whole family, get ready for it by preparing well with these tips. These tips can also help prevent your family from getting sick with flu.

  1. Stock Up With Supplies

Be ready even while flu season starts. Stock up on tissues, hand sanitizers, hand soaps and even paper towels. Distract your kids from getting or feeling sick by engaging them in puzzle games, DVDs and coloring books.

  1. Check Your Medicine Cabinet

Check if you have medicines for fever, pain and other treatments that you can use while your family is battling with colds and flu. Get some cough syrups and decongestants just in case. Check if you have a thermometer to use; if you have it already, test it and make sure their batteries are still working. Clean up your humidifiers, air coolers and air conditioners.

  1. Get Strict About Washing Hands

Hands with germs can spread cold and flu viruses. Tell your family members to scrub their hands well with soap and water for about 20 seconds. Tell your kids to scrub their hands until their singing the “Happy Birthday” song ends. Make sure you also do this yourself!

  1. Create Sanitizer Stations

Place a bottle of hand sanitizer in every room. Get a squirt in your hands as you pass by. Teach other family members to do the same!

  1. Plan for the Sick Days Ahead

When you get sick, you need some times off work. You may also have to take care of sick kids. Start planning about them now. What is your office policy on sickness? Is your sick leave unpaid or paid? Plan on getting support from your friends or relatives. If your kids are sick at home, who will take care of them when you are working?

  1. Disinfect

You should disinfect the heavily touched items such as phones, doorknobs and remotes.

  1. Switch to Disposable Items

If one gets sick within your family, make him or her use paper towels instead of hand towels in the bathroom. Make them use paper cups and throw them after use. This avoids the spread of germs.

  1. Stock Up On Health Food

Fill your fridge or pantry with fruits and vegetables. Also, you can stock up on easy-to-make foods so that if you get sick, you can easily prepare meals and rest properly. Stock up on some comfort meals like chicken soup and milk.

  1. Get Some Rest

You need to take some rest if you are down with the flu. To strengthen your resistance, get plenty of sleep and get your kids to bed as early as possible.

  1. Get a Flu Shot

One of the best and most effective ways of preventing flu is to make sure that you and all your family members get vaccinated.


-Medical Observer

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